
Pencarian Sebelumnya:

FK-USK Student Representative Council

The Student Representative Council, hereinafter abbreviated as DPM, is one of the student institutions that occupies the highest structure as a supervisor and controller of organizational dynamics and student aspirations at the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University. The student legislature consists of elected student representatives. Members of the Student Representative Council consist of:
1. Daily board
2. Board member

DPM has three main functions, namely:
1. Legislative function
2. Supervision function
3. Budgeting function

and other functions, namely the advocacy function.

DPM synergizes with the USK FK Student Executive Board (BEM) and the USK FK Psychology Student Association (Himapsi). The main task of DPM members is to accommodate and channel the aspirations of USK Medical Faculty students to become a policy. In addition, DPM also supervises and evaluates activities carried out by the USK USK FK Student Executive Board (BEM) and the USK FK Psychology Student Association (Himapsi).

In carrying out its duties, DPM FK USK has formed an Honorary Board of Directors and three commissions as follows:
1. Commission A (Budget)
2. Commission B (Supervision)
3. Commission C (Legislation)

There are thirteen members of the FK USK Student Representative Council for the 2022 period.

Organizational Strucutre

Activites Documentation

Sidang Pengesahan Program Kerja BEM FK-USK Periode 2022

Sidang Pengesahan Program Kerja HIMAPSI FK-USK Periode 2022

Sidang Evaluasi Seratus Hari Kerja BEM FK-USK Periode 2022

Sidang Evaluasi Seratus Hari Kerja HIMAPSI FK-USK Periode 2022