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The holding of the 2022 ISMKI Regional Work Conference by the BEM of the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University

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Muserwil is one of the agendas carried out by the Indonesian Medical Student Senate Association (ISMKI) Region 1 in the context of the inauguration of the Regional ISMKI Regional Executive Board of Region 1 which was attended by medical students. This year, the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University was present as the host of the ISMKI Regional 1 Muskerwil agenda. The implementation of the Regional 1 ISMKI Muskerwil was held online through a virtual ZOOM Meeting.

The series of Muserwil events consist of the Opening Ceremony (24 March 2022), Regional Work Conference (25-26 March 2022), Talkshow and Closing and Farewell Party which will be held on 27 March 2022. The number of registrants from this year's Muskerwil is 190 people who consisting of 142 Regional Daily Executives, 48 ??non-Regional Daily Executives and three Presidium Sessions.

On Thursday, March 24, 2022, an Opening Ceremony and Welcoming Party will be held for delegates from each university in the Sumatra region. This event was opened by the Vice Chancellor III of Syiah Kuala University, Mr. Dr. Hajjul Kamil, S.Kp, M. Kep. "We are very happy because the ISMKI region 1 muskerwill event can coincide with a large activity for the medical profession that is taking place in Banda Aceh from 22 to 25 March 2022, namely the IDI MUKTAMAR, this is something that we need to appreciate, hopefully the spirit of the IDI MUKTAMAR can be transformed for the spirit of the Regional ISMKI Muserwil, the association of the Indonesian Medical Student Senate, Region 1.

The ultimate goal of your movement is of course how to strengthen, show the existence of students, especially medical students. But the point is that we keep returning to the noble values ??that we believe that we exemplify that this activity is for the benefit of you as students which leads to the output later on to produce professional doctors, this must be remembered because we in the world of health are dealing with humans, maybe it is a bit difficult. different from other professions. Therefore, make this forum creative, innovative and produce various things that can form noble character and morals for all those involved and can be transferred to other students who are not used to organizing.

Once again, the highest appreciation goes to the committee as well as to Mr. WD 3, of course, FK USK as the host in this activity, and also to the chairman of the BEM FK USK, the Secretary of the ISMKI region, the secretary general of ISMKI who have attended and worked hard to prepare this activity.” delivery by the Vice Chancellor III.

In the Welcoming Party series, a City Tour video was played which aims to introduce the city of Banda Aceh to the delegates. In addition, a Campus tour video was also played so that the delegates would know more about Syiah Kuala University.

On the second and third day of the Regional 1 ISMKI Muserwil activity, a Grand Design presentation from each field was held. After the Grand Design presentation and inauguration activities were carried out, the agenda continued with the selection of the winner of the tender for the implementation of the Regional 1 2023 ISMKI Muserwil which was won by the University of Muhammadiyah Palembang.

At this event, a webinar was also held which was delivered by dr. Ichsan, M.Sc., Sp.KKLP with the theme "How to Increase Public Trust and Optimizing The Use of Telemedicine during COVID-19 Pandemic" and dr. Cut Rizka Rahmi, M.Ked.Ed with the theme "The Effectiveness of Telemedicine in Providing Diagnostics and Talk about Myths and Facts about It".

"This activity can be carried out well and smoothly as our joint effort to strengthen the relationship among all FK region 1 students and ratify the work program that will be carried out by the ISMKI Region 1 management for the next year," said Fashiha Qurrotul Aini as Project Officer of ISMKI Muserwil. Region 1 2022.

It is hoped that with the implementation of the Regional 1 2022 ISMKI Muserwil, it can increase the relationship between ISMKI and BEM administrators of each university throughout Sumatra. "Our hope is that this Regional Muserwil can be a means for the existence of USK FK not only at the local level, but also at the regional, national and even international level," said M. Rais Shidiq as Chair of the USK FK BEM this year.