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Asian Medical Students' Association Syiah Kuala University (AMSA-USK) is an organization that is scientific, non-political, non-sectoral, non-profit, open, free, and independent. AMSA-USK has three principles, namely Knowledge, Action, and Friendship. The management of AMSA-USK consists of an Advisory Board, Presidential Board, and Executive Board. There are 7 departments in AMSA-USK, including Community Outreach, Membership and Development, External, Publication and Promotion, Finance, Basic Life Support, and Research and Academic. Each of the seven departments is led by a chief and secretary.

After the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh on December 26, 2004, the AMA delegation held a meeting in Japan and formed a committee to be sent to Aceh. After that, the Overall Chairperson of AMSA International met with the BEM of the Medical Faculty of Syiah Kuala University, Yose Waluyo, who works at AMDA, met with the BEM of the USK Medical Faculty to discuss the establishment of AMSA at the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University. This meeting was welcomed by the USK FK BEM who allowed the establishment of AMSA. Then, the AMSA presidium structure was formed in the name of AMSA FK Unsyiah and run AMDA programs. AMSA-Unsyiah was formed in May 2005. Before officially becoming an official member of AMSA-Indonesia, AMSA-Unsyiah was an observer. AMSA-Unsyiah became an observer under the guidance of AMSA-UI for one year. After undergoing a series of observer periods, AMSA-Unsyiah was ratified as an official member of AMSA-Indonesia on July 15, 2006. This is remembered by declaring July 15 as the anniversary of AMSA-Unsyiah. Now AMSA-Unsyiah has officially become a Student Activity Unit (UKM) at the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University. Due to the change in the name abbreviation from Syiah Kuala University which was originally Unsyiah to USK, then in 2021 the abbreviation AMSA-Unsyiah name was officially changed to AMSA-USK.

Organizational Structure

Activities Documentation

AMSA Action Day (AAD) 2022 di Kecamatan Mesjid Raya

Gathering Party 2022

National Exchange AMSA-USK x AMSA-UNTAR x AMSA-UNTAD 2022