To become a superior, independent, productive and innovative research center in the field of Molecular Biology with Global Insight in 2025
1. Organizing this laboratory to become a center for research and service in the fields of Molecular Biology, Immunology, Bacteriology, Virology, Animal research and Genetics of food products.
2. Initiating the social function of Molecular Biology Laboratory as a service center for the community in molecular diagnostics.
3. Establishing a molecular-based halal food study center
4. Strengthening an internal and external collaboration with laboratories, research centers, National Institute of Health Research and Development, Indonesian Ministry of Health (Balitbangkes Kemenkes RI), State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and private parties to support the laboratory development and magnify benefits for Students, faculty members and communities.
1. Provide benefits and positive contribution in the fields of education, research and community services.
2. Play a role as a research center and molecular diagnostics with superior products in terms of accuracy, type of examinations and timeliness of laboratory services.
3. Become a reference laboratory for medical circles/network, researchers, and other related institutions.
Laboratory Structure
Chief of the Laboratory and Members
Technicians/Laboratory Staff