
Pencarian Sebelumnya:

Vision, Mission, Objectives, and Strategic Goals



Becoming an Excellent, Competitive, Innovative faculty through the Synergy of All Potentials for the Development and Improvement of the Quality of Education, Research, and Community Service in the field of Medicine, Health and Disaster at the global level by 2025.


1. Organizing higher education in Medicine, Health and Disaster fields of superior quality and competency-based to produce graduates with superior, competitive, and innovative values and are highly competitive at national and global levels.

2. Organizing research and community service in the fields of Medicine, health and disaster to realize the role of the Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Syiah Kuala in the development of the latest scientific knowledge as well as a form of valuable humanitarian contribution.

3. Strengthening and expanding institutional cooperation networks to accelerate the capacity building of Medical, Health and Disaster institutions in Aceh Province and cooperation at the global level to develop science and technology in Medicine, Health and Disaster fields.

4. Implementing integrated quality management through the principles of transparency, participatory, productive, effective, and efficient application, as well as organizing higher education with good and independent governance through institutional development that refers to quality ability to compete at a global level.

5. Developing infrastructure and information technology for Medical, Health and Disaster education to support the Tri Dharma implementation of higher education.

6. Developing human resource capacity through careful and visionary business planning.

Strategic Goals and Objectives

1. Producing graduates with superior, competitive, and innovative values, also are highly competitive at national and global levels.

2. Produce research and community service in the fields of medicine and health that are oriented to the latest scientific and human values development.

3. Become a partner in cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions that contribute to regional, national, and global development.

4. Applying the principles of transparency, participatory, productive, effective, and efficient in quality management to be able to compete at a global level.

5. Realizing medical education infrastructure and information technology to support Tri Dharma implementation of higher education.

6. Realize the development of human resource capacity through careful and visionary business planning.

Strategic Targets

1. Available of graduates with superior, competitive, and innovative values and are highly competitive at national and global levels. 

2. Research and community implementation services in the field of medicine and health that are oriented to the development of the latest scientific and human values. 

3. Establishing a network of institutional cooperation that contributes positively to institutional development at the national and global levels. 

4. Implementing integrated quality management through the application of the principles of transparency, participatory, productive, effective, and efficient ability to compete at a global level. 

5. Available medical education infrastructure and information technology to support the Tri Dharma implementation of higher education. 

6. The realization of human resource capacity development through careful and visionary business planning.