
Pencarian Sebelumnya:

Academic and Student Services

Academic Information System (SIAKAD)

Siakad is an information system created to make it easier to manage academic data management at Syiah Kuala University.

Teaching hospital

Prince Nayef Hospital (RSPN) bin Abdul Aziz Syiah Kuala University is one of the General Hospitals in the Banda Aceh area belonging to Syiah Kuala University which is precisely located in the Kopelma Darussalam area of Banda Aceh.


Syiah Kuala University also has dormitories for students who want to live in the campus environment, this makes it easier for students who are still not too familiar with the environment around the campus.

Counseling Unit

This institution is named the Center for Psychology and Counseling Services at Syiah Kuala University, abbreviated as PPPK Unsyiah. Established since 1985. As a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) that supports and develops University programs.

Career Info

Career Development Center (CDC) Unsyiah is an institution that helps bring alumni closer to the world of work.

Graduation Registration

Clinical Clerkship

Request for Transfer Letter

TOEFL application

Student Application to Return to Home Institution