
Pencarian Sebelumnya:


HIMAPSI (Psychology Student Association) is an association that accommodates all the thoughts contained in each of its members who are able to encourage and create creative thinking. Not only members, HIMAPSI also summarizes excellent thoughts from every element in the Faculty of Medicine, especially in the Psychology Study Program, both students and teaching staff (lecturers).

In this regard, the Psychology Study Program has become a constructive bridge for HIMAPSI. HIMAPSI will collect and implement thoughts and ideas obtained from all elements within the campus environment. This will have a positive impact not only on HIMAPSI and its members, students, but will also at least help improve the accreditation of the Psychology Study Program for the better with the activities carried out by HIMAPSI.

HIMAPSI's management consists of:
1. Chairman of the Association,
2. Deputy Chairperson of the Association,
3. General Secretary,
4. General Treasurer,

HIMAPSI also has 5 (five) departments and 2 (bureaus) each of which has the task of assisting the work of HIMAPSI as a whole. The HIMAPSI departments are:
1. Ministry of Social Affairs (SOSMAS),
2. Department of Inter-Agency Relations (HUAL),
3. Department of Student Welfare and Advocacy (KESMA),
4. Ministry of Information and Press (INPERS),
5. Department of Student Resource Development (PSDM), as well as
6. Secretarial Bureau, and
7. Bureau of Finance & Entrepreneurship.

Organizational Structure

Activities Documentation