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SJMF Profile

SJMF - Faculty Quality Assurance Unit

SJMF function

  1. Evaluation and Monitoring: SJMF evaluates educational processes, curricula and existing services at the faculty to ensure compliance with established quality standards.
  2. Quality Development: SJMF works to improve the quality of education by identifying areas that need improvement and designing strategies for continuous improvement.
  3. Certification and Accreditation: SJMF is involved in the faculty certification and accreditation process to ensure that the faculty meets quality standards set by government agencies or other recognition bodies.
  4. Policy Preparation: Assist in designing policies and procedures that support improving the quality of education and services at the faculty.
  5. Data and Documentation Management: Maintain records and documentation related to the quality of education, evaluations and improvements that have been made at the faculty.

SJMF Membership

No Nama/NIP/NIPK Pangkat/Gol Jabatan dalam Dinas Jabatan dalam Panitia Rincian Tugas
1 Dr. Marty Mawarpury, M.Psi.,Psikolog
Penata (Gol. III/c) Lektor Ketua SJMF Ketua
2 dr. Rezania Razali, M.Biomed
Penata (Gol. III/c) Kepala Bagian Fisiologi Anggota SJMF Sekretaris
3 dr. RM. Agung Pranata Kusuma Atmaja, M. Biomed
Penata Muda Tk. I (Gol. III/b) Asisten Ahli Anggota SJMF Divisi Data dan Dokumen
4 dr. Reza Maulana, M.Si.
Penata (Gol. III/c) Lektor Anggota SJMF Divisi Data dan Dokumen
5 Dr. Sofia, S.Si., M.Sc
Pembina (Gol. IV/a) Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Standar Mutu Pendidikan dan Kurikulum Anggota SJMF Divisi Akreditasi
6 dr. Cynthia Wahyu Asrizal, M.Si
Penata Muda Tk. I (Gol. III/b) Asisten Ahli Anggota SJMF Divisi Akreditasi
7 Dr. dr. Muhsin, Sp.PD
Penata (Gol. III/c) Lektor Anggota SJMF Divisi Akreditasi
8 dr. Hafni Andayani, M.Kes
Penata Muda Tk. I (Gol. III/b) Asisten Ahli Anggota SJMF Divisi Akreditasi
9 dr. Muhammad Ansari Adista, M.Pd.Ked
Penata Muda Tk. I (Gol. III/b) Tenaga Pengajar Anggota SJMF Divisi Pengembangan & Mutu Audit Internal
10 dr. Maha Fitra ND, Sp.J.P
Penata Muda Tk. I (Gol. III/b) Tenaga Pengajar Anggota SJMF Divisi Pengembangan & Mutu Audit Internal
11 Zahrani, S.Psi., M.Psi.Psikolog
Penata Muda Tk. I (Gol. III/b) Tenaga Pengajar Anggota SJMF Divisi Pengembangan & Mutu Audit Internal