
Pencarian Sebelumnya:

Medical Assistance Team

The Medical Assistance Team (TBM) of the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University is a student organization engaged in the field of emergency, humanitarian, and disaster response that has commitment and concern for the community, both the community around the campus and in the Aceh area.

The participation of the USK FK TBM in assisting government programs, both regional and central, in the implementation and supervision of development in general as well as the development of the emergency, humanitarian, and disaster response fields in particular. By fostering productive and professional collaboration between medical faculty student institutions throughout Indonesia who are members of the Indonesian Medical Student Senate Association (ISMKI) as well as with related parties who are also committed to the community, it is hoped that a healthy condition of the Indonesian people will be realized in order to be successful. national development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

The Medical Assistance Team (TBM) of the USK Faculty of Medicine is a Student Activity Unit (UKM) engaged in the fields of Emergency, Humanitarian, and Disaster Response. This status was confirmed by the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine No. 24 of 2014 concerning the Inauguration of the Medical Assistance Team (TBM) of the USK Faculty of Medicine in the 2015-2016 period. This organization is in the form of a joint secretariat that brings together all USK medical students to unite the struggle steps with other USK students in their roles, obligations and responsibilities to realize the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

In carrying out its activities, the Medical Assistance Team of the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University is led by a Director of TBM and assisted by Deputy Director, Secretary 1, Secretary 2 and TBM treasurer. The fields of TBM FK USK are Education & Training (Field 1), Publishing and Information (Sector 2), Public Relations (Field 3), Rescue (Field 4), Finance and Inventory (Field 5).

In preparing the work program of the Medical Assistance Team of the USK Faculty of Medicine, the focus was more on developing and improving the quality of medical human resources at Syiah Kuala University in the fields of Emergency, Humanity, and Disaster Response. Of course, to realize the existing work program, it must have the support of all parties, both internal and external, and until now the Medical Assistance Team (TBM) of the USK Faculty of Medicine seeks to foster mutually beneficial cooperation with a sense of responsibility without leaving professional ethics.

Hopefully with this organization profile it can help provide a clearer picture of the USK Faculty of Medicine Medical Assistance Team (TBM) and be useful for parties who have the same mission in the fields of Emergency, Humanitarian, and Disaster Response as well as improving the quality of human resources so that we can work together to achieve common goals in accordance with national development goals. Amen.