Public Health Science/Community Medicine Science (IKM/IKK) is one of the basic concepts for understanding the balance between humans as hosts, disease-causing agents (agents), and the environment (environment) as factors that affect individual and community health. Almost in accordance with clinical science, IKM/IKK in its implementation carry out diagnosis and management, but doctors in the community handle community groups with entry points for diseases or public health problems.
The IKM/IKK section of FK USK introduces students to various types of community groups, starting from the smallest community, namely the family and the environment around their homes, working communities in the work environment, to the concept of a society in a wider setting. By introducing these various communities, students are expected to realize that an individual cannot be separated from the environment, the biosphere, where he lives, which influences various health problems and disease development. Students are also expected to be aware of their duties as doctors in the future who understand well the functions of service providers (care-providers), decision-makers (decision-makers), communicators (communicators), community leaders (community leaders), and managers (managers).
There are 14 teaching staff from various scientific fields who work in the IKM/IKK Section of FK USK, namely: Dr. dr. Rachmad Suhanda, M.Kes. (Head of Division); dr. Hafni Andayani, M.Kes. (Education Coordinator); drg. Saifuddin Ishak, M.Kes., PKK.; Dr. dr. M. Yani, M.Kes., PKK.; dr. Liza Salawati, M.Kes., FISPH., FISCM., Sp.KKLP.; dr. Tilaili Ibrahim, M.Kes., PKK., Sp.KKLP.; dr. Nurjannah, M.PH., Ph.D.; Dr. dr. Nasyaruddin Herry Taufik, Sp.RM.; Dr. Said Usman, S.Pd., M.Kes.; Dr. Irwan Saputra, S.Kep., M.KM.; dr. Teuku Renaldi, M.KM.; dr. Mutia Diana, M.Kes.; dr. Cut Mustika, M.Sc.; and dr. Zanisa, M. ARS.
Clinical clerkship activities in the IKM/IKK Section are expected to complete students' knowledge in the field of Medicine holistically. The clinical clerkship period in the IKM/IKK Section of USK FK lasts for 4 weeks, starting in the Biostatistics and Epidemiology division in the first week, Field Station in the second week, continued in the third week of activities in the Division of Environmental Health, Occupational Health and Safety, and ending in week four in the Health Management Division.
After going through the clinical clerkship stage, students are expected to be able to recognize, understand, explain or analyze the principles and problems of public or community health. The students are also expected to be able to develop disease prevention and control efforts in the community, with efforts made not only involving the health sector, but collaborating and involving the contributions of various stakeholders and sectors in the community. This expectation requires the ability to coordinate and cooperate with various parties as an additional target for students in the IKM/IKK Section of FK USK.
Contact Section:
Section of Public Health Sciences/Community Medical Sciences (IKM/IKK)
Syiah Kuala University Faculty of Medicine
Jl. Mr. Tanoh Abee, Building E Floor 1, Darussalam, Banda Aceh
Telephone: (0651) 7552364, Fax: (0651) 7551843