The obstetrics and gynecology section is a part of the USK Faculty of Medicine and RSUDZA as the Main Education Hospital educating general practitioners and obstetrics and gynecology specialists who are superior and skilled and knowledgeable by prioritizing medical ethics in carrying out their profession. The development of scientific and research capacity is directly supervised by supervisors or teaching staff which currently consists of 16 staff with 1 Professor which is summarized in 5 subdivisions.
Since 2021 the Obstetrics and Gynecology Division has been led by the Head of the Dr. dr. Hasanuddin, SpOG (K)-Onk, Section Secretary is dr. Munizar, SpOG (K)-Onk, Head of Obgin Study Program is Dr. dr. Cut Meurah Yeni, SpOG (K)-KFM, and the Secretary of the Study Program is dr. Rusnaidi, SpOG (K)-FER. Professor at the obgin is Prof. Dr. dr. Rajuddin, SpOG (K)-FER.
To support the capacity development of students, the teaching staff continues to improve their knowledge through formal and informal education both at home and abroad as well as publishing in national and international journals and magazines in a sustainable and structured manner. Services The obstetrics department provides reproductive health services, treatment of problems during pregnancy and their complications, postpartum problems and their complications, detection of abnormalities in the fetus, fertility (desire to have children), gynecological tumors and gynecological cancer, reconstructive surgery for the female pelvic area, uterine prolapse, contraception. The obstetrics and gynecology department synergizes with hospitals and medical clinics in an effort to reduce maternal and infant mortality which is currently still high by trying to provide the best service for a woman.
Staff Expertise List
Dr. dr. Hasannuddin, SpOG (K)-Onk
dr. Sarah Ika Nainggolan, SpOG (K)-Onk
dr. Munizar, SpOG (K)-Onk
Fetomaternal Medicine
Dr. dr. Cut Meurah Yeni, SpOG (K)- KFM
dr. Niken Asri Utami, SpOG (K)- KFM, IBCLC
Reproductive Endocrinology Fertility
Prof. Dr. dr. Rajuddin, SpOG (K)- FER
dr. Hilwah Nora, MMed, Sci, ART, SpOG (K)- FER
dr. Rusnaidi, SpOG (K)-FER
Social Obstetrics Gynecology
dr. Tgk Puspa Dewi, SpOG (K) - Obsos
dr. Munawar, SpOG (K)-Obsos
Urogynecology and pelvic reconstructive surgery
dr. Roziana, M.Ked, SpOG(K)- Urogin