Forensic medicine was formerly known as judicial medicine, because in the past cases that arose were related to the judicial process. The term judicial medicine comes from the Dutch translation, namely "Gerechtelijke Geneeskunde". However, currently the term judicial medicine is no longer relevant because not all cases handled will end up in court, there are also forensic cases resolved out of court. In 1990, the term judicial medicine was changed to forensic medicine, and doctors who specialize in this science are called Forensic Specialists, abbreviated as Sp.F. In the 2000s, the name has changed again to forensic medicine and medicolegal. In 2020 the designation of his specialization changed to Forensic and Medicolegal Specialist, abbreviated as Sp.FM. Even with such rapid development, in 2017 this specialization formed various sub-specialties (with the on job training/collegium base method) with the academic title of Forensic Specialist and Medicolegal Consultant, abbreviated as Sp.FM (K).
Forensic medical science and medicolegal are forensic medicine is a branch of medical science that uses medical science and technology for the benefit of law enforcement and justice. While medicolegal is a branch of medical science that studies the legal aspects of medical action for the benefit of health services. Cases handled by forensic medicine are legal cases from outside health services such as murder, assault, rape, these cases are handled by investigators and investigators ask for help from doctors to make light of a criminal case. Meanwhile, cases handled by medicolegal services are incidents, problems, medical or non-medical cases that can potentially become legal problems, in the form of criminal or civil cases.
The Department of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University (FK USK) has been officially independent since August 2006 marked by the implementation of Forensic Medicine lectures for USK FK students who are regularly given by USK FK lecturers themselves. Previously lectures were given by lecturers from the Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatra. The current Head of Forensic and Medicolegal Medicine at USK Medical Faculty is Dr.dr.Taufik Suryadi, Sp.FM(K), Dipl.BE.
In implementing the Tri Dharma of higher education, the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal of USK Medical Faculty has carried out educational and teaching activities at the first strata, namely in the courses of Forensic Medicine, Health Ethics and Law, Bioethics and Humanities, Philosophy, Disaster Management, Psychiatry Modules, Forensic and medicolegal, medical Humanities module and disaster medicine and forensics module. In strata II and III, the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal FK USK is involved in Research Ethics courses, as well as in the Specialist Doctors Education Program through Ethics and Medicolegal courses.
Meanwhile, for clinical clerkship activities for Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal FK USK, the first time it was held on January 8, 2007 at the Regional General Hospital dr. Zainoel Abidin (RSUDZA), until now (in 2022) it was recorded that more than 3500 students were undergoing clerkships. clinic at the USK Medical Faculty/RSUDZA and will continue to grow. The Medical Staff Group (KSM) was established on October 15, 2006, with the first Chairman of the KSM being dr. Taufik Suryadi, Sp.F. The purpose of the clinical clerk at the Department/KSM of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal FK USK/RSUDZA is to make young doctors have adequate knowledge and skills in the fields of forensic and medicolegal medicine as well as ethical, independent, active, and professional. The knowledge and skills gained during clinical clerkships are expected to be a provision for students of the medical profession program to later be implemented in primary care professionally.
Section/KSM Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal FK USK/RSUDZA since 2018 until now has produced 6 module books, namely the clinical clerkship module, clinical forensics module, forensic pathology module, visum et repertum making module, Disaster victim identification (DVI) practicum module. and expert testimony module.
Research has also been carried out by the Department/KSM of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal FK USK/RSUDZA since 2006 until now with the number of publications in reputable international journals as many as 13 articles, international journals 15 articles, accredited national journals 14 articles, national journals 10 articles, proceedings international 2 articles and national proceedings 3 articles. Currently Dr.dr.Taufik Suryadi, Sp.FM(K), Dipl.BE is a reviewer in three reputable international journals, namely: Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Science, Open Sciences Journal and Springer NatureComprehensive Clinical Medicine and reviewer in the national journal Medika Kartika.
In the field of service, the Section/KSM Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal FK USK/RSUDZA also participates in counseling activities, scientific lectures, speakers in scientific seminars. Service activities that are often carried out are being expert witnesses in courts, DVI operations and participating in professional organizations and seminars. Currently, staff at the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal FK USK/RSUDZA are participating in the Indonesian Hospital Association (PERSI), and the Regional Hospital Association (ARSADA).
Activities Documentation
Collaboration of FK-USK/RSUDZA Forensic Medicine Team with Langsa Hospital
Clinical Forensic Examination
Exhumation Activities in Takengon
Expert Information Training