
Pencarian Sebelumnya:

Vission, Mission, & Objectives

Scientific Vision of the Clinical Microbiology Study Program

To create quality clinical microbiology specialist doctor education so as to produce global standard, professional, Islamic, competitive, innovative and superior clinical microbiology specialist doctors in the field of tropical medicine and disasters including education, research and clinical microbiology services by 2027.

Mission of the Clinical Microbiology Study Program

1. Organizing continuous education and training in the field of clinical microbiology to produce Clinical Microbiology Specialist Doctors who are independent, academically productive, in accordance with the latest advances in knowledge and technology in the diagnosis, management, prevention and control of infectious diseases with excellence in the field of Tropical Medicine and Disaster.

2. Carrying out basic, applied and clinical research of a high standard and capable of competing at the global level, in the field of clinical microbiology, to solve the nation's problems, especially infectious diseases which are a priority in Indonesia.

3. Providing services and community service in the field of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases with high professionalism and instilling Islamic values.

Objectives of the Clinical Microbiology Study Program
1. Realization of the highest training and education in the field of Clinical Microbiology, as well as management, prevention and control of infections with excellence in the fields of Tropical Medicine and Disasters.

2. The creation of a good academic environment for learning and the availability of guidance to prepare residents to be able to play a role in the field of Clinical Microbiology and solve patient health problems.

3. The creation of independent students, capable of lifelong learning, experts in the field of Clinical Microbiology and knowledgeable, skilled in laboratory diagnostic examinations and aspects of treating patients with infectious diseases, both in hospitals and in the community.

4. The creation of graduates who are able to work together with other related professionals in the management of infectious diseases.

5. To produce graduates who are skilled and knowledgeable in the prevention and control of infectious diseases, including the wise use of antibiotics.