To realize effective PJJ lecture activities during this pandemic, it is necessary to prepare various factors involved, be it human resources, facilities and infrastructure, curriculum and evaluation. One of the important things that must be met by universities that will carry out PJJ is to have resources that are specifically prepared to design, compile, produce, and disseminate all learning resources needed to meet learning outcomes.
One of the resources that play an important role in the learning process is the education staff (Tendik). According to Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system, education personnel are members of the community who are devoted and appointed to support the implementation of education. Tendik is tasked with planning and implementing administration, management, development, supervision, and technical services to support the educational process in the education unit. In this PJJ era, the ability to manage online learning applications is very necessary, such as the Zoom application which is used as the main media for online learning for the Medical Education Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University. Based on the above, the Medical Education Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University feels the need to carry out training activities to increase the capacity of students in the use of the ZOOM Application for Distance Learning in the Odd Semesters of the 2020/2021 Academic Year.