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South Koreans get Doctor's degree in Aceh

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Banda Aceh (KANALACEH.COM) – The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) Banda Aceh took the oath of 84 new doctors in the Senate Open Session of the Faculty of Medicine, Darussalam Banda Aceh on Thursday (11/2).

With this graduation, the Unsyiah Faculty of Medicine has 2,511 alumni. In the graduation, a young doctor ranked 3 nationally in the national doctor's competency test (UKDI), Dr. Umi Salamah Siregar, with a score of 95.3.

For the first time, the Faculty of Medicine inaugurated a young doctor from South Korea, namely dr. Yoo Su Jie.

said the Dean of the Unsyiah medical faculty.

Dr. dr. Mulyadi, SpP Mulyadi explained, the best doctor was achieved by Dr. Umi Salamah Siregar with a score of 95.3 for the Medical Professional Education Student Competency Test (UKMPPD), 3rd nationally.

It was stated that the Unsyiah Medical Faculty continued to improve itself in order to face accreditation by the Central Assessor Team which was held on 17-20 February 2016.

It's no exaggeration to say that the Unsyiah medical faculty is worthy of being compared to the medical faculty on the island of Java

said the senior lecturer of the Unsyiah medical faculty, Dr. Andalas.

Until now, the Faculty of Medicine Unsyiah has 2 strata 1 study programs, namely general medicine study programs and psychology study programs, as well as 3 strata study programs namely specialist study programs, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery and internal medicine which are escorted by 160 lecturers with strata 2 and strata 3 qualifications.
