
Pencarian Sebelumnya:

Radiology History of founding

Starting from a visit from Dr. Bambang Budyatmoko, SpRad(K) as general chairman of PDSRI went to Aceh at the end of 2014. In a short meeting at the Hermes Hotel Banda Aceh he suggested establishing an Aceh Branch of PDSRI if the membership reached 6 (six) people or more. Previously, Aceh joined the North Sumatra Branch of PDSRI. In a preparatory meeting at the Radiology Section of the Dr. Zainoel Abidin Regional General Hospital, Banda Aceh, it was decided to immediately establish the PDSRI Aceh Branch to simplify and bring closer the administration of members. PDSRI North Sumatra Branch is also willing to release its members from Aceh to stand alone. Consisting of 16 Radiologists, the PDSRI Aceh Branch was approved and ratified at the PDSRI National Congress in Makasar 22 November 2014. Because there is still a lack of Radiology doctors in Aceh and a strong desire to fulfill them in every city district, in 2019, as a result of a meeting with the Dean of FK USK, the establishment of the Radiology Specialist Doctor Education Program at FK USK was initiated and received a recommendation from the Indonesian Radiology Collegium (KRI) in November 25 2019. On March 18 2021 the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI) conducted an Online Visit which was followed by an inspection of Facilities and Infrastructure on March 26 2021. After obtaining approval from the relevant parties, it was continued by uploading the required instruments to DIKTI in April 2021 which was followed up with an Online Visit by DIKTI on November 24 2021 and finally DIKTI gave approval for the opening of the Radiology Specialist Education Study Program at FK USK.