
Pencarian Sebelumnya:

Vission, Mission, & Objectives

Vision of the Radiology Study Program

"To become a radiology study program that is innovative and has socio-technopreneurial capabilities and is competitive at the global level with excellence in the field of oncology radiology by 2025."

Scientific Vision of the Radiology Study Program

"Producing radiology specialist graduates who are innovative and have socio-technopreneurial abilities and are competitive at the global level with excellence in the field of oncology radiology by 2025."

Mission of the Radiology Study Program

1. Organizing quality and competency-based radiology education to produce graduates who have superior, competitive and innovative values ??and are highly competitive at national and global levels with excellence in the field of oncology radiology.

2. Carrying out research and community service in the field of radiology in order to realize its role in the development of radiology science and be able to provide achievements/outputs that are beneficial to society.

3. Establish institutional collaboration with stakeholders at local, national and global levels to develop science and technology in the field of radiology.

4. Develop educational infrastructure and radiology technology to support the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education.

5. Develop human resource capacity through good, measurable and visionary planning and supporting development innovation in the field of radiology.

Objectives of the Radiology Study Program

1. Implementation of quality and competency-based radiology education to produce graduates who have superior, competitive and innovative values ??and are highly competitive at national and global levels with excellence in the field of oncology radiology.

2. Carrying out research and community service in the field of radiology in order to realize its role in the development of radiological science and be able to provide achievements/outcomes that are beneficial to society

3. Established collaboration with various parties in the context of developing the USK FK Radiology study program both at home and abroad

4. Implementation of radiological infrastructure and technology development to support the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education.

5. Implementation of human resource capacity development with good, measurable and visionary planning and supporting innovation development in the field of radiology.


Ad. 1

a. Improving the quality of the education curriculum by accommodating the needs of the field and stakeholders and carrying out gradual curriculum evaluations referring to Outcome Base Education (OBE) in accordance with Indonesian Medical Council Regulation Number 93 of 2021 concerning Professional Education Standards for Indonesian Radiology Specialist Doctors.

b. Development and implementation of study program excellence in the field of Radiology Oncology by increasing education, research and service as well as multi-disciplinary discussion activities.

c. Increase the availability of learning facilities in main educational facilities and educational networks.

d. Organizing a comprehensive and transparent student evaluation system with the CBT and OSCE examination systems.

e. Building students' morals and attitudes in accordance with the demands of professionalism, local cultural wisdom and Indonesian cultural values.

f. Increase independent learning opportunities for students.

g. Recruitment of qualified, transparent and accountable prospective students.

h. Strive to achieve quality standards both through internal and external institutions.

i. Carry out outreach and promotions through social media and print media and/or other useful activities.

j. Carry out regular evaluations of staff and student satisfaction.


Ad. 2

a. Develop a research and community service roadmap for the USK FK Radiology Study Program.

b. Improving the quality of staff and student research as well as seeking access to research funding sources and community service.

c. Encourage the participation of staff and students in research/service provided by funds at universities/RSUDZA, and other institutions.

d. Encourage the publication of quality scientific work from staff/students of the USK FK Radiology Study Program in nationally/internationally accredited journals.

e. Encourage an increase in the number of IPRs/Patents of USK FK Radiology Study Program teaching staff.

f. Encourage the production of quality written works (Books/Modules) from the teaching staff of the USK FK Radiology Study Program.

g. Increasing staff/student participation in national and international scientific activities.


Ad. 3

a. Establishing educational, research and community service network collaboration with other Medical Faculty Radiology Study Programs to fulfill divisions that are not yet available in the USK Medical Faculty Radiology Study Program.

b. Establishing educational network collaboration with hospitals in Aceh Province.

c. Establishing collaboration with institutions or educational centers or hospitals abroad to create knowledge and experience sharing for institutional development.


Ad. 4

a. Providing adequate learning facilities for students such as computers, viewers and PACS.

b. Providing learning modules that increase students' knowledge and competence.

c. Increasing online and offline learning facilities in order to increase students' knowledge and skills.

d. Increase student participation in various positive extracurricular activities.

e. Organizing visiting professors.

f. Organizing guest lectures.

g. Providing books as a source of learning literature for students.


Ad. 5

a. Encourage increasing the capacity of study program managers related to management and administration through relevant training.

b. Organize/send staff to participate in pedagogical and expertise training in the field of radiology.

c. Educational mapping and planning for Sp2 and PhD level teaching staff.

d. Encourage an increase in the percentage of lecturers with the positions of lecturer and associate professor.

e. Encouraging the birth of a Professor in radiology at FK USK.

f. Improving the quality and quantity of USK FK Radiology Study Program Education Staff with relevant training.

g. Exploring the financial potential of the USK FK Radiology Study Program for sustainable development.