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Condolence News: Rahmatullah Has Passed Away, Dr. Hilwah Nora, M.Med., Sci. ARTS, Sp. OG., Subsp. FER

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Darussalam - The extended family of the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University (FK Unsyiah) and the entire academic community feel deep sorrow over the passing of one of their leading lecturers, Dr. Hilwah Nora, M. Med., Sci. ART, Sp. OG., Subsp. FER, who has passed away to Rahmatullah.

Dr. Hilwah Nora is a highly respected and recognized figure in the medical field, especially as a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He has made a major contribution to the development of medical science, both through teaching, research and service to the community.
