Kami mengajak seluruh mahasiswa, alumni, dan civitas akademik FK USK untuk ikut serta dalam rangkaian lomba yang seru dan menarik!*?????Registration Period?????*Futsal: 10-21 November 2024Badminton: 10-21 November 2...
Banda Aceh - The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia presented the award for the knight of bakti husada arutala, for the deceased, Dr. nanda Intan Sawani, SpOG, and Dr. Nora Maulida who died during their social service duties in Aceh Besar.
The handover of the assistance was carried out by the General Head of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Netty MSc on behalf of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof.DR,dr.Nila Farid Moeloek,SpM(K), Monday (25/5/2015) at the General Hospital of Dr Zainoel Abidin (RSUZA). ) Banda Aceh.
Award, filial piety husada arutala, for great services in the development of the health sector, according to Kepmenkes, RI number: KP.04.02/Kemenkes/189/2015 dated 18 May 2015.
Netty explained, the Government is very sorry for the loss of the nation's best doctors, who serve the nation's health development, for people who really need it.
"It is said that their job is to work on holidays and leave their families for community services in rural areas in the context of social services for FK Unsyiah in a village in Pidie Regency," he said.
As is known, Dr. Nanda leaves a husband, and two small children, as well as Dr. Nora, who still has a two-year-old baby.
Other victims from the social service team are fine, Dr. Yudi has undergone surgery for a fractured hand, and Ramzi will undergo further surgery for fractures of the leg and ribs.
Kami mengajak seluruh mahasiswa, alumni, dan civitas akademik FK USK untuk ikut serta dalam rangkaian lomba yang seru dan menarik!*?????Registration Period?????*Futsal: 10-21 November 2024Badminton: 10-21 November 2...
Muhammad Alif Naufal dan Naufal Rafasya yang dibimbing langsung oleh dr. Maryatun, M.Kes., Sp.PD telah membuat karya inovatif berupa detektor penyakit TBC melalui hembusan napas berbasis Artificial Intelligence. Prestasi tersebut juga merupakan ha...
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Kedokteran dan Kedokteran Gigi Griffith University sukses menyelenggarakan International Mental Health Competition (I-Mention) 2024. Acara ini mempertemukan mahasiswa d...
Juara 1 kategori Short Movie dan Juara Favorite kategori Short MovieKetua Tim: Muhammad Fayadh MatondangAnggota: Nayomi AristoPembimbing: Novita Sari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog.Juara 3 kategori Scientific Pape...
Penjabat Gubernur Aceh, Dr. H. Safrizal ZA, M.Si, menyampaikan orasi ilmiah dalam peringatan 42 tahun Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala (FK USK), di Gedung AAC Dayan Dawood, Banda Aceh, Kamis (3/10/2024). Acara ini mengangkat tema Sinerg...