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ASIIN International Accredited USK School of Medicine

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The Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University (FK USK) achieved a brilliant achievement by successfully obtaining international accreditation from ASIIN. The announcement of this achievement is a new history for the university and the people in Aceh and opens the way for improving the quality of medical education in the region.

ASIIN, as an independent institution in the field of international accreditation, has recognized the efforts and quality of education organized by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Syiah Kuala. The accreditation process which involves in-depth evaluation of various aspects, including curriculum, facilities, teaching quality, and academic support, is carried out in a strict and transparent manner.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Syiah Kuala, Prof. Dr. dr. Maimun Syukri, SpPD KGH expressed his pride for this achievement. Because ASIIN's international accreditation is clear evidence of USK's Faculty of Medicine's commitment to providing the best medical education to students and the community. Through this accreditation process, USK's Faculty of Medicine receives valuable feedback that will be used to continuously improve the quality of curriculum and teaching.

Obtaining this accreditation also marks a step forward for the USKh Faculty of Medicine in meeting international standards and having a positive impact on the quality of health services in Aceh. It is hoped that the graduates of this faculty will be increasingly recognized globally and become the pride of the Indonesian people.

The Chancellor of the University of Syiah Kuala congratulated the entire academic community of the Faculty of Medicine for this extraordinary achievement. With the achievement of international accreditation from ASIIN, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Syiah Kuala is now in a better position to attract international collaborations, obtain broader research support, and provide opportunities for students to access knowledge and experience exchange programs at a global level.

Congratulations and success to the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University for this glorious achievement. Hopefully this international accreditation will be the start of a more brilliant journey in forming a generation of qualified and competent doctors for the health and welfare of the people of Aceh and Indonesia.
