Kami mengajak seluruh mahasiswa, alumni, dan civitas akademik FK USK untuk ikut serta dalam rangkaian lomba yang seru dan menarik!*?????Registration Period?????*Futsal: 10-21 November 2024Badminton: 10-21 November 2...
The Biomedical Science Masters Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University (FK USK) collaborated with the USK Primary Clinic, holding community service activities with the theme "Healthy Skin, Look Younger" which was held on Car Free Day in Banda Aceh, Sunday, March 5 2023.
Head of Biomedical Science Masters Program/Director of USK Primary Clinic, Dr. dr. Zulkarnain, M.Sc., AIFO said that community service is a form of implementation of the vision of the Biomedical Science Masters Study Program, namely to make the study program produce Biomedical Science experts who are professional, superior, competitive and innovative, and able to solve health problems through development. knowledge in the aspects of preventive medicine, anti-aging, and regeneration biology.
"In this community service, several service activities are carried out free of charge such as health screening, facial skin analysis, body composition, laboratory tests (routine blood, blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid). This activity also collaborates with the Bio-Lab and Entrasol (Kalbe) laboratories," explained Dr. Zulkarnain.
He explained, premature aging of facial skin is a common problem in society due to increased air pollution, UV radiation and unhealthy lifestyles. In this activity, people are educated on the importance of caring for facial skin so it doesn't look dull through a healthy diet, adequate sleep patterns and washing the face with soap ingredients recommended by doctors.
"The people of Banda Aceh City and its surroundings are very enthusiastic about this activity, from the old to the young, joining in on the activity. Of course, with this activity, it is hoped that the community will be more concerned and routinely check their health," he said.
To note, the Biomedical Science Masters study program was founded in 2021 and already has 13 students from various regions. In May, USK's Master of Biomedical Sciences is ready to accept new students for class 2023. In this activity, several registration requirements, forms of academic activities and qualifications for undergraduate and graduate students who can take part in this study program are promoted.
Kami mengajak seluruh mahasiswa, alumni, dan civitas akademik FK USK untuk ikut serta dalam rangkaian lomba yang seru dan menarik!*?????Registration Period?????*Futsal: 10-21 November 2024Badminton: 10-21 November 2...
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