Kami mengajak seluruh mahasiswa, alumni, dan civitas akademik FK USK untuk ikut serta dalam rangkaian lomba yang seru dan menarik!*?????Registration Period?????*Futsal: 10-21 November 2024Badminton: 10-21 November 2...
The Dean and Deputy Dean for Resources and Finance, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University together with a group from the Association of Indonesian State Medical Faculties (AFKNI) held a series of visits to several universities in Japan on April 20-26 2024. This visit aims to explore collaboration between the State Medical Faculties in Indonesia with medical faculties in Japan. During this visit, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine explained that collaboration between the two medical faculties in the two countries is very possible considering the existence of several similar areas of excellence, such as tropical medicine and disaster management. The forms of collaboration offered include student exchange and academic exchange in the fields of education and research. This collaboration is also expected to strengthen the internationalization process of FK USK towards becoming a World Class University.
The medical institutions visited in Japan were the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM) Tokyo, Keio University School of Medicine Tokyo Research Institute for Microbial Diseases (RIMD) Osaka and Faculty of Medicine Oita University, Oita. Apart from that, a visit was also made to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Japan which was immediately received by the Indonesian ambassador to Japan. The Indonesian Ambassador stated that there are many opportunities for collaboration between Indonesia and Japan and hopes that this will be followed up soon in the form of an implementation agreement for various activities.
Kami mengajak seluruh mahasiswa, alumni, dan civitas akademik FK USK untuk ikut serta dalam rangkaian lomba yang seru dan menarik!*?????Registration Period?????*Futsal: 10-21 November 2024Badminton: 10-21 November 2...
Muhammad Alif Naufal dan Naufal Rafasya yang dibimbing langsung oleh dr. Maryatun, M.Kes., Sp.PD telah membuat karya inovatif berupa detektor penyakit TBC melalui hembusan napas berbasis Artificial Intelligence. Prestasi tersebut juga merupakan ha...
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Kedokteran dan Kedokteran Gigi Griffith University sukses menyelenggarakan International Mental Health Competition (I-Mention) 2024. Acara ini mempertemukan mahasiswa d...
Juara 1 kategori Short Movie dan Juara Favorite kategori Short MovieKetua Tim: Muhammad Fayadh MatondangAnggota: Nayomi AristoPembimbing: Novita Sari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog.Juara 3 kategori Scientific Pape...
Penjabat Gubernur Aceh, Dr. H. Safrizal ZA, M.Si, menyampaikan orasi ilmiah dalam peringatan 42 tahun Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala (FK USK), di Gedung AAC Dayan Dawood, Banda Aceh, Kamis (3/10/2024). Acara ini mengangkat tema Sinerg...