
Pencarian Sebelumnya:

42nd Anniversary of FK USK

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Happy 42nd Anniversary of FK USK. Thank God, it has been 42 years since FK USK has stood strong and contributed to medical education.

This year's anniversary of FK USK coincided with the election of the new dean of FK USK, namely Dr. Dr. Safrizal Rahman, M.Kes., Sp.OT.

Through this momentum, FK USK is committed to continuing to work and collaborate to make a positive contribution to society not only at the national level, but also at the global level. USK Faculty of Medicine continues to strive to improve the quality of education in accordance with this year's anniversary theme, namely "Synergize and collaborate towards a Faculty of Medicine at the world class university level".

Prayers and support from all parties are of course very necessary for the progress of FK USK.
