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The Neurology Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Syiah Kuala Achieves Excellent Ranking in Accreditation

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Banda Aceh - June 18, 2023, the Neurology Specialist Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University has achieved a glorious achievement by achieving a superior rating in the latest accreditation process. This success marks a great accomplishment the faculty has made and cements their position as one of the best medical education providers in Indonesia.

In the accreditation results released by the LAM PTKES, the Neurology Specialist Study Program, USK FK, managed to obtain a superior rating with the highest accreditation score. The assessment is carried out based on strict quality standards, including curriculum, educational facilities, lecturer qualifications, and success in producing quality graduates.

Dean of the Unsyiah Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. dr. Maimun Syukri, Sp.PD KGH expressed his pride for this achievement. This is a testament to the dedication and collective hard work of the teaching team, students and support staff at the Faculty of Medicine.

The USK FK Neurology Specialist Study Program has a solid reputation for providing quality education and research in the field of neurology. The lecturers consist of experts who are experienced and have important contributions in the field of neurology. Laboratory facilities and learning facilities also support an optimal learning process.

The success of the USK FK Neurology Specialist Study Program is expected to make a significant contribution to improving the quality of health services in Aceh and Indonesia as a whole. This program is expected to give birth to a generation of neurologists who are able to provide quality and advanced care in dealing with neurological diseases.

With this proud accreditation result, the Neurology Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Syiah Kuala proves its commitment to become an excellent educational institution in the field of neurology. This success is an important step towards a better future in the world of medicine and neuroresearch in Indonesia.
