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Medical Science Doctoral Study Program Graduates Its First Alumni

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Dr. Dr. Wahyu Lestari, Sp.KK is the first alumni of the Medical Science Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University

This Doctoral promotion session was chaired directly by the Chancellor of USK, Prof. Dr. Ir. Marwan, August 21 2023. Wahyu himself is a USK FK teaching staff, he completed his doctoral education for three years, with a dissertation title: The Effect of Topical Extract of Cascara Pulp of Gayo Arabica Coffee (Coffea Arabica) as a Topical Antioxidant in Photoaging.

"We encourage this promovendus research to be immediately patented, and also become an innovative product that can be enjoyed by the public," said the Chancellor.

This first doctoral promotion session was also attended by the Dean of the USK Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Dr. Maimun Syukri Sp, PD, KGH Finasim as session secretary and examiner.

The main promoter is Prof. Dr. Kartini Hasballah MS Apt, Prof. Dr. Dr. M Yulianto Listiawan Sp.KK(K). FINSDV, FASDV from FK Unair as co-promoter 1, Dr Sofia MSc as co-promoter 2, the open session examiner himself was Prof. Dr. Dr. Oki Suwarsa Sp.KK (K) from FK Unpad, Dr. Dr. Nanda Earlia Sp.KK, and Dr. Gholib S.Pt, M.Sc.
