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USK Chancellor Releases Health Team for 2024 Aceh-North Sumatra PON

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Chancellor of Syiah Kuala University (USK) Prof. Dr. Ir. Marwan released 49 Health Team members to support the XXI Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON) in the Hall of Building D, 2nd Floor, USK Faculty of Medicine. (Banda Aceh, 3 September 2024).

The release of the health team, which is staff and PPDS from the Faculty of Medicine, FK USK, was marked by the symbolic pinning of a PIN by the Chancellor together with the Head of the Aceh Health Service, Dr. Munawar, Sp. OG (K), accompanied by the Dean of FK USK Dr. Dr. Safrizal Rahman, M.Kes., Sp.OT, Deputy Deans and Chair of LPPM USK.

The Chancellor assesses that the role of the Health Team is very important in making PON a success. Moreover, Aceh has been trusted as the host so it is the responsibility of all parties to take part in the success of PON.

Therefore, the USK Health Team is one form of USK's contribution in supporting the biggest sporting event in Indonesia.

"We advise to always provide the best service for all our guests who come to Aceh, be they athletes, committee members and spectators who need help," said the Chancellor.

The Chancellor hopes that the Health Team can gain useful experience and learning in their respective places of duty. Apart from that, the Chancellor reminded them to always be prepared for conditions that occur in the field, considering that PON is an inter-physical condition which of course needs immediate treatment if a problem occurs.

Safrizal reported that this health team was selected from 80 registered people. This Health Team comes from various fields within FK USK. There are staff from the Faculty of Medicine, PPDS Internal Medicine, PPDS ENT-KL Health Sciences, PPDS Orthopedics & Traumatology, PPDS Neurology, PPDS Anesthesiology & Reanimation, PPDS Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and PPDS Pulmonology & Respiratory Medicine. 

So Safrizal hopes that the Health team can work to help the Aceh Government to make PON a success.

“This activity is also a form of service for health workers. For this reason, the USK Faculty of Medicine has also prepared 100 other health workers as a reserve team,
