Kami mengajak seluruh mahasiswa, alumni, dan civitas akademik FK USK untuk ikut serta dalam rangkaian lomba yang seru dan menarik!*?????Registration Period?????*Futsal: 10-21 November 2024Badminton: 10-21 November 2...
This award is an initiative of the Bakrie Family to appreciate Indonesian sons and daughters who have achievements and inspirational work that is beneficial to Indonesia, and even the world. In its implementation, this event was supported by the Bakrie Business Group through Bakrie Untuk Negeri, in collaboration with Bakrie University, Freedom Institute, and VIVA Group. The awards are held every year in August, in conjunction with the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.
Since it was first held in 2003, the Achmad Bakrie award has been given to 86 recipients consisting of 82 individuals and 4 institutions or groups. Added to this year, the total number of award recipients currently stands at 91 recipients.
For 2024, the recipient of the Ahmad Bakri award in the field of Health is one of the USK FK teaching staff, namely Dr. Harapan, DTM&H., M.Infect.Dis., Ph.D.
He is a Virologist and Public Health Expert from Aceh who has contributed research to the development of molecular epidemiology studies and public health investigations related to Arbovirus (dengue and chikungunya viruses), as well as equity and acceptance of vaccination in Indonesia.
Pull through. Hope, hopefully it will continue to be an inspiration and make a good contribution to society.
Kami mengajak seluruh mahasiswa, alumni, dan civitas akademik FK USK untuk ikut serta dalam rangkaian lomba yang seru dan menarik!*?????Registration Period?????*Futsal: 10-21 November 2024Badminton: 10-21 November 2...
Muhammad Alif Naufal dan Naufal Rafasya yang dibimbing langsung oleh dr. Maryatun, M.Kes., Sp.PD telah membuat karya inovatif berupa detektor penyakit TBC melalui hembusan napas berbasis Artificial Intelligence. Prestasi tersebut juga merupakan ha...
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Kedokteran dan Kedokteran Gigi Griffith University sukses menyelenggarakan International Mental Health Competition (I-Mention) 2024. Acara ini mempertemukan mahasiswa d...
Juara 1 kategori Short Movie dan Juara Favorite kategori Short MovieKetua Tim: Muhammad Fayadh MatondangAnggota: Nayomi AristoPembimbing: Novita Sari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog.Juara 3 kategori Scientific Pape...
Penjabat Gubernur Aceh, Dr. H. Safrizal ZA, M.Si, menyampaikan orasi ilmiah dalam peringatan 42 tahun Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Syiah Kuala (FK USK), di Gedung AAC Dayan Dawood, Banda Aceh, Kamis (3/10/2024). Acara ini mengangkat tema Sinerg...