The achievement of the vision and mission of the Faculty of Medicine is the effort of the entire Academic Community of the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University. Efforts to achieve that require commitment and cooperation from all units/sections within the Faculty of Medicine. The Thesis Management Team Unit (TPS) is tasked with managing the completion of student thesis, where the smooth completion of the thesis directly or indirectly affects the achievement of the vision and mission of the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University.
Thesis is a requirement to be declared a Bachelor by a university, including in the Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) at the Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University. Completion of student thesis is a complex activity that involves many things, such as: fields of science, scientific methodology, teaching staff, relations with agencies outside of Unsyiah and Unsyiah Medical Faculty, scheduling and administering exams, and others. For this reason, it is very necessary to have a common perception and commitment from all parties so that students can complete their studies on time.
In general, the duties of the FK Unsyiah TPS Unit are as follows:
1. Facilitate the process of completing the student's final project/thesis
2. Facilitating lecturers and students in the process of preparing proposals and thesis
3. Ensuring the implementation of the preparation of quality proposals and thesis in accordance with the stipulated time.
4. Carry out activities in order to increase capacity (capacity building) for lecturers and students that support the smooth completion of the final project/student thesis.
5. Monitoring and evaluating the completion of the student's final project/thesis
6. Identifying problems in completing the final project/thesis, both faced by students and lecturers, in order to find the best solution (win win solution)