
Pencarian Sebelumnya:

Graduate Profile

1. Doctor
Graduates of doctors must have and master biomedical and clinical medicine and master basic and clinical skills, able to provide medical services to patients in health care facilities. Doctors must be able to apply interprofessional learning and apply the principles of communication, cultural competence and professional ethics in providing medical services to patients in health care facilities.

2. Researcher
Doctoral graduates are able to recognize problems in the field of medicine and health, and conduct and develop research in the field of medicine and health in a systematic and correct manner using the principles of scientific research methodologies, so as to solve health problems in the community.

3. Community Activist
Doctoral graduates master interpersonal communication skills and the ability to empathize so that they can become activists who contribute positively to building health literacy in the community.

4. Academic Educator
Doctoral graduates master the basics of health professional education so that they can participate in improving the quality of human resources in the health sector.

5. Entrepreneur
Doctoral graduates master the principles of entrepreneurship so that they are able to develop financial independence and create jobs in the field of health services.

6. Disaster Manager
Doctoral graduates are able to become an important element in supporting disaster management along with other professions.